Our story


Family owned business with long lighting experience



HBA was founded in 1988 as a small company with great ambitions. Three product managers broke free from what used to be a company called Hesselman and started HBA. What few people know today is that HBA stands for “Hesselman Bil Areo”, a name we inherited from the early employer of our founder.

The business has follow the shifts in technology and slowly cultivated the product range into the existing offer. When the first LED lamp came it put a new spin on the lighting market. The progression from halogen to Xenon and then on to LED has gone lightning fast. Nowadays LED is the only light source used in the industry.

Maybe it is a good thing that the products have evolved over the 37 years. What has sustained is our long-term owner. Per. In this day Per is an advisor to HBA and even though we do not always follow his advice and do as he wishes, it feels comforting to rest on the knowledge and experience only 37 years in the business can give you.


This is who we are


HBA is a lighting company with over 37 years of experience. We are a group of motivated power and lighting nerds who take pride in simplifying our customers workday. We have brilliant ideas for the future and our customers are world class.

We see a major shift in technology towards electrified vehicles that will offer us new opportunities to live our lives the way we want. This will also apply to transportation. Just as LED created a whole new world after halogen will electrified vechicles provide us an entirely unexploited market. HBA has searched high and low to find brilliant ideas for electric systems. Doesn't it feel good to work with a partner who is thinking ahead? You can relax when you work with us and come to us with all your questions regarding lighting and components.
But do not wait too long, the future is here tomorrow. So contact HBA today - we have brilliant ideas for you and your business.


CSR and Sustainability

ISO certified 9001 and 14001
It is our top priority to offer products and solutions that are sustainable and in line with our quality and environmental policies. Our products shall have minimal effect on our surroundings, environment and climate throughout their life cycle. We work hard with CSR and take social responsibility for our products and solutions in the entire chain from supplier to end user.
We look at our sustainability work from three aspects; social responsibility, financial responsibility and environmental responsibility.
Stemming from our ISO 9001 certified quality work, we ensure an everlasting business. We strive for continuous improvement of our operation.

Our responsibility


Our products shall have minimal effect on our surroundings, the environment and climate throughout their life cycle. We work with sustainability from three aspects;

Social responsibility
Social responsibility
We cooperate with suppliers in Europe and Asia and are committed to securing good conditions for the employees of our suppliers.

Financial responsibility
Financial responsibility
HBAs vision is to simplfy our customers work day – today and tomorrow. Stemming from the quality work we have through our ISO 9001 certification we ensure a durable business for our partners.
Environmental responsibility
Environmental responsibility
We have a long term sustainable offer and with our ISO 14001 environmental policy as a fundation we strive for continous improvement of our processes and routines.

A part of Axel Johnson International

Axel Johnson International
HBA is a part of Axel Johnson International. Axel Johnson International is a global industrial group of 170 companies in 30 countries. We drive business development and growth through a long-term approach to ownership in strategically selected niche markets, primarily technical components and solutions for industrial processes. Axel Johnson International is organised in six business groups: Driveline Solutions, Fluid Handling Solutions, Industrial Automation, Lifting Solutions, Power Transmission Solutions and Transport Solutions. We are part of the Swedish family-owned corporate group Axel Johnson.